
Время вечеринки( Party Time) - песня, которую можно услышать в четвёртом спецвыпуске от Nickelodeon «Темный феникс». Также песня звучала в 2 серии 6 сезона Легендариум.


Ты помнишь встречу первую?
Мне не забыть её.
Всё изменилось навсегда.
По телефону день-деньской.
Мечтали мы с тобой о том, что ждут нас чудеса.
С тобою солнце ярче с каждым днём.

Без тебя скучаю, мне одиноко.
Рядом ты, я снова счастливей всех опять.
Эти дни нельзя нам забывать.

Торжество! Пора веселиться!
Будем зажигать!
Я рада, что оказалась здесь,
Этот вечер не забудится.

Т-т-торжество! Музыка песни.
Тут нельзя скучать!
Я вижу блестят твои глаза -
Значит будем танцевать!

Ты помнишь первый поцелуй?
Он безмятежен был,
И вот сегодня в танце мы.
На этот вечер грусть забудь
И с нами веселись,
Давай в наш праздник окунись!

Do you remember when we met
I will never forget
The day my life was changed for good
When I was down you went back for me
Baby, you're my home
All the things that we've been through
You are the one who makes my sunny days

We're gonna celebrate big time
Watch out, now here we come
Be ready 'cause tonight's the night
P-p-p-party time
The energy's rising'
Can you feel the good vibes
I'm havin' the best time of my life
It's a night so unforgettable

P-p-p-party time
The music is playin'
And you're out of sight
I know that sparkle in your eyes
So let's dance the night away
(Let's dance the night away)

Do you remember our first kiss
We'd only have bliss
And now we're dancin' cheek to cheek
Tonight we're gonna celebrate
So watch out, here we come
Be ready 'cause tonight's the night

Can't wait no more
I wanna scream and shout
I'm on the floor, can't stop me now

P-p-p-party time
The energy's rising'
Can you feel the good vibes
I'm havin' the best time of my life
It's a night so unforgettable

P-p-p-party time
The music is playin'
And you're out of sight
I know that sparkle in your eyes
So let's dance the night away
(Can't stop me now)

Party time
The energy's rising'
Can you feel the good vibes
I'm havin' the best time of my life
It's a night so unforgettable
(It's an unforgettable)

Party time
The music is playin'
And you're out of sight
I know that sparkle in your eyes
(Because you're out of sight)
So let's dance the night away

Let's dance the night away
Let's dance the night away
Let's dance the night away

You are the only one
Who makes my rainy days

P-p-p-party time
The energy's risin'
Can you feel the good vibes
I'm havin' the best time of my life
It's a night so unforgettable

Party time
The music is playin'
And you're out of sight
I know that sparkle in your eyes
So let's dance the night away

La scuola è già finita ma
Andiamo giù in città
Vieni alla festa se ti va
Un anno è già passato e penso
Non avrebbe senso
La mia vita senza te
Che sei il mio
Angelo combina guai

Sento il richiamo della pista
Dai balliamo Mister
E'una notte magica!
Party time
È un ritmo che sale
Non fermarti mai
Fino che il sole arriverà
È sarà indimentibile

Party time
Fa battere il cuore
Questa musica
Ti guardo negli occhi e sento che
Mi innamorero di te
(Mi innamorero)

Stasera è nostra la città
Il mondo gira e va
In questa notte magica
Un anno è già passato e penso
Che nell'universo
Non c'è un altro come te

Mille avventure
Diecimila guai
Che non ci
Scorderemo mai

Party time
È un ritmo che sale
Non fermarti mai
Fino che il sole arriverà
È sarà indimentibile

Party time
Fa battere il cuore
Questa musica
Ti guardo negli occhi e sento che
Mi innamorero di te
(Mi innamorero)

Party time
E'una notte magica
Ti innamorerai
Ti innamorerai
(In misti di oro)
(Non fermarti mai)
(Non fermarti mai)
(Break ancora una notte ti innamorerai)

Party time
(È un ritmo che sale)
(Non ferma so)
(Fa battere il mio cuore)
(È una notte indimentibile)

Party time
(Le ama canzone)
(Mi innamorero)
(Mi innamorero)


Время звучания песен: с 44:47-45:41


Винкс клуб - Тёмный Феникс (Winx club Movie) - Мультики про фей для девочек


Winx Club Tv Movie - 04 Party Time


Winx Club - Party time Italiano (Lyrics)
